Hello world written on laptop screen

Hello World


Hello World! This is the very first post on my just recently published website. So recent in fact, that the build pipeline is probably still steaming hot after building and deploying this site countless times as I try to figure out why this and that still doesn't work.

I'm not going to talk much about myself or Griesoft in this post, but those topics will be covered in dedicated articles. I will add links to them as soon as they exist.

Instead, this post will be more like a hello world project. Short and simple.

But, to make it not too short, I will reveal what frameworks and tools I did use to build this site.

I am a big fan of the .NET Ecosystem this makes ASP.NET my number one go-to web framework. There were not many good CMSs around that worked on top of ASP.NET (at least not that I was aware of), but after discovering Orchard Core through a former colleague of mine, I knew this would be a game-changer for me.

The site is utilizing the full CMS building strategy, which is powered by the Orchard Core framework. The theme was purchased at Colorlib and converted into an Orchard Core theme by myself.

What to expect from this blog?

You will probably see many posts which are related to the .NET platform, but this blog won't be fixating on one topic or niche. The idea is to have a forum where Griesoft folks may express their thoughts and push them out to the public. So, I hope there will be something useful and interesting among those posts for many of you.

ASP.NET, Orchard Core

Photo by Clay Banks on Unsplash